操一段 Elliott Sound Products 的解釋:
For audio testing, a pink noise source is an invaluable tool. It is essentially a flat frequency response noise source, and will quickly show any anomolies in speaker systems, room acoustics and crossover networks.
White noise (the sound you hear when a TV is tuned to a non-existent station) has a frequency characteristic which raises the power level by 3dB with each increasing octave, and is not suitable for response testing (and will probably blow your tweeters as well).
這裡有 Brown Noise 的線上播放,自己去聽。
下面是 Joseph S. Wisniewski 的文章
'The Color of Noise' (見
White noise (common definition) power density is constant over a finite frequency range. AKA Johnson noise.
Pink noise (common definition) power density decreases 3dB per octave with increasing frequency (density proportional to 1/f) over a finite frequency range which does not include DC. Each octave contains the same amount of power. Many point out that this is not a trivial filtering problem. AKA flicker noise.
Red noise (common definition within the oceanographic field, contributed by P.J. 'Josh' Rovero) (Anyone have the spectrum?)
oceanic ambient noise (ie, noise distant from the sources) is often described as 'red' due to the selective absorption of higher frequencies.'
Orange noise (anonymous contribution) (Anyone foolish enough to want the spectrum?)
quasi-stationary noise with a finite power spectrum with a finite number of small bands of zero energy dispersed throughout a continuous spectrum. These bands of zero energy are centered about the frequencies of musical notes in whatever system of music is of interest. Since all in-tune musical notes are eliminated, the remaining spectrum could be said to consist of sour, citrus, or 'orange' notes. Orange noise is most easily generated by a roomfull of primary school students equipped with plastic soprano recorders.
Green noise (defined by some folks producing relaxation tapes, Mystic Moods, I believe) supposedly the background noise of the world. A really long term power spectrum averaged over several outdoor sites. Rather like pink noise with a hump added around 500Hz. (Anyone have the spectrum?)
Blue noise (FS-1037C) power density increases 3dB per octave with increasing frequency (density proportional to f) over a finite frequency range. This can be good noise for dithering.
Purple noise (origional definition, contributed by Jon Risch) power density increases 6dB per octave with increasing frequency (density proportional to f^2) over a finite frequency range. Differentiated white noise. AKA violet noise.
Grey noise (heard this one a couple of times, but can't put my finger on a source) noise subjected to a psychoacoustic equal loudness curve (such as an inverted a-weight curve) over a given range of frequencies, so that it sounds like it is equally loud at all frequencies. This would be a better definiton of 'white noise' than the 'equal power at all frequencies' definition, since real 'white light' has the power spectrum of a 5400K black body, not an equal power spectrum.
Brown noise (Jon M. Risch, rbmccammon) power density decreases 6dB per octave with increasing frequency (density proportional to 1/f^2) over a frequency range which does not include DC. Is not named for a power spectrum that suggests the color brown, rather, the name is a coruption of Brownian motion. If we were going to pick a color, red might be good since pink noise lies between this noise and white noise. Unfortuantly, red is already taken. AKA 'random walk' or 'drunkard's walk' noise.
**** Three different definitions of black (silent) noise ****
Black noise (contributed by Jeff Mercure, his own definition) whatever comes out of an active noise control system and cancles an existing noise, leaving the world world noise free. (The comic book character 'Iron Man' used to have a 'black light beam' that could darken a room like this, and popular SCI-FI has an annoying tendancy to portray active noise control in this light.)
Black noise (seen in the sales literature for an ultrasonic vermin repeller) power density is constant for a finite frequency range above 20kHz. Ultrasonic white noise. This black noise is like the so-called 'black light' with frequencies too high to be preceived as sound, but still capable of affecting you or your surroundings.
Black noise (Manfred Schroeder, 'fractals, chaos, power laws,' contributed by Mike Arnao)
has an f ^ -beta spectrum, with beta > 2, and is characteristic of 'natural and unnatural catastrophes like floods, droughts, bear markets, and various outrageous outages, such as those of electrical power.' further, 'Because of their black spectra, such disasters often come in clusters.'
最好 run 音響器材的頻率,並非 20Hz,而是 Pink Noise。 Pink Noise 聽起來就是全然的噪音,其涵貍狾鹿W段,以能量而言,也是所有合成頻率中最大的。以 Pink Noise 操機,還可將已磁化的金屬接線,接點打亂,所以既使老器材以 pink noise run 半小時都可聽出聲音有些改善。
Pink Noise 在 Cool Edit 中有提供,釵h TestCD 如 Stereophile Test CD 也有。另外在 DZ 的 FTP 中,我也曾 upload 一個 MP3 的 pink noise 檔,有需要的人自己去 download.
請問一下:在cool edit 裡還有所謂white noise和
brown noise 這些顏色代表的音效是什麼意思呢?又有什麼差別呢?